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shall be consultants or specialists glucophage mg employed for two hours each on four days a week. The remunera- tion suggested for this service is £500 a \-ear. The assistant medical officers may be general practi- tioners, who would be emplo\-ed for six glucophage sr hours a week, and be paid £300 a year. The residents will be whole time officers, and no suggestion seems to ha\e been made as to the rate of remuneration to be paid them. Patients will be admitted through the outpatient department, which is to be open, apparently, to any inhabitant of Bradford, but which it is hoped will be fed from the glucophage diabetes various clinics, the outdoor Poor Law medical officers, and by general practitioners. Mo mention is made of emergency operations, which often occur in the glucophage online night. One interesting proposal in connection with carrying out the plan of the hospital is the matter of the senior medical officer. He is supposed to have a university degree order glucophage or to be a Fellow of one of price of glucophage the Royal Colleges, and not to be in general practice, nor hold any other hospital appointment save with the consent of the committee. Now the committee proposes to purchase eight hours a week of a consultant's time, and it is a little difficult to see why they should be anxious to know what he does with the remainder of his time. May it not be that this provision may deprive them of the services of some of the more distinguished consultants .' The attitude of the population of Bradford to- ward municipal health enterprise is interesting. Some doctors assert that their practice among children has almost ceased. One doctor regarded Bradford as so municipalized that the City Council takes charge of the whole population "from con- ception to cremation." It is proposed that charges shall be made to patients, according to the means tablet glucophage of each, but no special amenities will be provided for those who pay the larger sums. All will be treated and fed in the same way. Though the plan outlined above is generic for glucophage interesting, the question is asked, why should attempts be made to fetter part time medical officers? Would it not be well for the Minister of Health to withhold approval of a scheme embodying such principles as these in Bradford imtil some measure of consulta- tion with the medical profession has glucophage generic been achieved? Editorial Notes and Comments NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL INCORPORATING glucophage cost THE glucophage 500mg Philadelphia Medical Journal and the Medical News A Weekly Rez-ieiv of Mcdieinc. Address all communications glucophage price to \ A. R. ELLIOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publisliers, 66 West Broadway, New York. Subscription Price: Under Domestic Postage, $6; Foreign Postage, $8; Single copies, fifty cents. Remittances should be made by New York Exchange, post office or express money order, payable to A. R. Elliott Publishing Co., or by registered mail, as the publishers cheap glucophage are not responsible for money sent by unregistered mail. Remittances from Foreign Coun- tries should be made with International Money Orders. Entered at the Post Office at Ne tation through the mail £ NEW YORK. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1920. ACUTE ADENOIDITIS IN CHILDREN. This affection is of great practical importance. In infants and children up to the age of five years it occurs as frequently as it is overlooked. Usually these cost of glucophage small patients are treated for almost glucophage xr buy glucophage online every disease excepting the right one and in most instances the specialist is finally consulted for the complica- tions. In glucophage buy practice, all that is necessary is to recall that there is such a disease as acute adenoiditis for the purpose of recognizing it, because its symptom- atology is very special and really characteristic. The affection is especially frequent in winter and at the beginning of spring and autumn. In an infant or young child after coryza, .a temperature develops ; the baby becomes restless, sleeps poorly, snores and breathes with the rnouth open. At the same time a paroxj-smal and almost incessant cough develops of a type much like that of pertussis, allowing the patient little rest. The cough, usually dry unless there is a concomitant tracheitis, occasionally precedes in somewhat long paroxysms during the day but glucophage tablets is glucophage xr 500mg

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